Waste Management and Composting in Gated Communities

The population of the world and the garbage generated by the humans is directly proportional. As the population rises, so is the garbage. It is time we take some steps for waste management; otherwise half of the world will get filled with garbage. Gated communities have taken a step further in getting rid of this heaps of garbage by having a proper waste management system and have also introduced composting pits on their grounds. It is very essential to take proper measurements in waste management as well as to dispose-off garbage in a better way, known as composting.

1. Effects of Poor Waste Management

When proper techniques are not followed for waste management and there is an improper disposal of waste, then it becomes a threat to the environment as well as to life. In addition to this, the foul smell creates air pollution. The solid wastes from industries, if not discarded properly, can create biological and physicochemical issues to the environment, the chemicals may seep into the soil and pollute the groundwater and also have an effect on the productivity of the soils in that particular area. Hence, proper techniques have to be followed for the waste management.                                                              

2. Know About Waste Management

All the actions that are essential to handle the waste from its inception to its final disposal is said to be waste control or waste management. Storage, transfer, management and recycling of waste along with control and enforcement are a part of the waste management. It also includes the 3Rs – reduce, reuse and refuse. The waste which can be recycled is first sorted out. Then the wet waste goes for composting and most of the gated communities have also taken the responsibility of decomposing, that means , the waste generated in the gated communities will get converted into manure by means of composting and vermin-composting. Finally the waste which cannot undergo all these processes are dumped and then taken care by the waste management. Recycling, Incineration, Landfill, Biological Reprocessing and Animal Feed are the most popular types of waste management.

3. What is Composting and Compost

Composting is a natural progression of decaying or decomposition and recycling of organic substances by microorganisms into humus rich compost, but under controlled conditions. The organic material that is thus created by composting is known as compost. This stable material can be used as a fertiliser. The plant and animal wastes are naturally degraded to produce organic manure that enriches the soil and helps in the growth of the plants. This is a slow and inexpensive process that does not harm the environment. Compost is used as a fertiliser in gardening, lawn maintenance, horticulture, organic agriculture, and urban farming. Compost serves as a natural fertilizer, manure, natural soil pesticide and also adds essential humus or humic acids to the soil. Gated communities use this compost as a fertilizer in their landscapes and greenery.

Vermicomposting is a technique of composting that utilizes earthworms, which are stored in dedicated containers and fed with kitchen oddments and other plant material. Their rich castings, is nothing but manure. So, after many weeks, these worms are removed from there and the collected manure is used as a natural fertiliser.

4. What Can be and Cannot be Composted

A number of things which are discarded as waste from our houses like fruits, vegetables, dairy products, grains, bread, unbleached paper napkins, coffee filters, eggshells, meats and newspaper can be composted. Red meat, bones and tiny amounts of paper can also be composted but these items take longer time to decompose as they attract vermin, pests and insects to partially decomposed meat scraps. 

Plastics, grease, glass, and metals — including plastic utensils, condiment packages, plastic wrap, plastic bags, foil and silver ware, drinking straws, bottles, polystyrene or chemicals cannot be composted. 

5. Benefits of Composting

Compost is formed when some organic material like food waste and plant material is naturally broken down by fungus and bacteria. This so formed compost has a number of benefits. Being a natural and organic process, it saves money and doesn’t need any chemicals, fertilizers or pesticides. Composting is a cost efficient activity and quite helpful for the overall health of the soil. It helps to improve the fertility of the soil and also protects the plants from diseases. The micro-nutrients present in compost serves as pesticides and add helpful microorganisms like bacteria and fungi to the soil. Creating compost is a type of exercise and physical activity and also helps you to recycle the home waste. Compost is cost effective and good for the environment. It is the best fertiliser for organic farming.

6. Vermicompost – Organic Fertiliser

To save humans and Mother Nature from immense destruction and to beat the future hazardous land degradation, it is essential to realize the importance of organic farming. Extreme and unnecessary use of chemicals in the crops has given rise to a fall in food quality, poisoning of food items and especially destroying our whole eco-system. It is high time that we shift ourselves from chemical fertilizers to Vermicompost or organic manure by composting. Vermicompost is a liquid organic fertilizer produced by earthworms during earthworm compost production.

7. Advantages of Vermicompost

Vermicompost is totally organic and does not cause any damage to the health of humans. It has no harmful chemicals and does not need to be mixed with anything. It is used as a fertilizer for organic farming and reduces the need of pesticides. The use of Vermicompost gives rise to healthier plants with good growth. It is quite affordable. Enriched with bacteria and microbes, the Vermicompost helps plants to become disease resistant and also repels some plant pests.

8. Waste Management and Composting in Gated Communities

Some gated communities have taken up the initiative of composting with the wet waste of their societies. These gated communities use this compost and the vermicompost for their landscapes and greenery and some of them do lend a helping hand to the farmers, if they had an excess of compost. With composting at the venture, the residents are able to contribute towards a better environment. This recycling initiative should be taken up by more and more gated communities because, waste is generated in bulk everywhere. It would be really appreciating if this waste could be utilized for a proper cause.

Written by Nikhil Gattu 

To Read More : https://www.gtgroupindia.com/blog/ 

Written by Nikhil Gattu

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